Finally, you’ve arrived.

If you’ve made it here, it’s not by chance. Your soul is seeking a higher vibration and the Universe is signaling you. It’s time to answer the call.

Hello light being, I’m Dilyara.

I am your cosmic radio, your galactic translator, your instant connection to the divine. I am the Voice of Galaxies.

With my voice, I create sonar-like sounds, sort of like a cosmic whale. I can tune into different galaxies and broadcast their information back to Earth. 

I tap into several star constellations and speak a multitude of light languages at any given moment. Arctutrian, Pleiadian, Siran. Christ Consciousness. Mother Gaia. 
Through my energy work, I channel powerful healing and messages from beyond. Using my voice, infusing sound with light language codes, I’m able to share deep transformations with you that help shift, recalibrate, and elevate to a higher state of consciousness. 
I am your cosmic radio, your galactic translator, your instant connection to the divine. I am the Voice of Galaxies.

My mission on this planet is to guide people out of the 3D realms and into the 5D experience.

Once you let go of your old and outdated programming, once you release the blocks and beliefs that keep you repeating the same patterning, you can truly, finally elevate your vibration.

Through my work, through my voice, you will attune to the higher frequencies and the realms beyond, welcoming light, love, healing, and abundance into your life like never before.

Hear the sound of your brave, bold, and beautiful expansion. It’s time to shit, align and elevate. 

From climbing the corporate ladder to signing the songs of the stars. This is my story.

As a child growing up in Kazakhstan, I never imagined my life's path would lead me to explore the mysteries of the world.

After studying in Italy, I chose my career path in oil and gas engineering, working in Kazakhstan’s corporate oil industry. My life was dull and drab. I lived the same day, each day, over and over again. I was blocked, turned off, but I knew deep down that there was more to life than repeating the same existence every single day. 
In 2012, I had my spiritual awakening. I began looking for a teacher, a guide, and the universe presented one. I began my journey and joined a school of mystery for women. One day, I read “The Alchemist” by Paolo Coelho. I raced through the pages, hungrily devouring every word of his text. As I read, a desire began stirring inside of me—I was awakening, and a call to uncover life’s secrets began.
But I was still trapped in the Matrix. Even though I felt called to do something more with my life, I had to show up each day at work. I was filled with crippling anxiety. I realized I wasn’t fulfilling my soul’s true purpose—that I wasn’t living the life I was supposed to. I had to make a change, so one day, without a plan and no certain path for my future, I resigned from my job and walked away from a successful career to embrace the unknown. 
Inspired by a book by the Taoist master Mantak Chia, I booked a one-way ticket to Thailand and traveled to his resort to learn the ancient teachings of Tao. There, I met powerful healers, learned qigong, and discovered the wisdom of Tao. This fulfilled my soul in ways I never imagined. The feelings that erupted from me—the joy, the excitement, the peace—were confirmation that I was on the right path. Finally, I felt alive, and so I continued on the path that my soul laid out for me. 

In Malaysia,

I became a certified tantra yoga teacher. I studied Sanskrit, discovered human anatomy, and learned how energy flows through the human body.

In Nepal,

I lived in a Buddhist monastery. I hiked in the Himalayas and learned how to heal with Tibetan bowls.

In Ecuador and Peru,

I discovered indigenous cosmology and experimented with plant medicine. I explored the universe through over 100 ceremonies under the guidance of powerful, authentic shamans. I purged, I healed, I died, and was reborn thousands of times. I connected to Gaia and began to pray from my heart.

One quiet night in 2020, alone in my apartment, listening to peaceful music, a strange sensation began in my body.

One quiet night in 2020, alone in my apartment, listening to peaceful music, a strange sensation began in my body. I began vibrating, slowly at first but then stronger and stronger. My teeth started chattering and out of my mouth, strange sounds began forming. This went on for over two hours—me alone, creating sounds I’d never heard before. I was afraid, but a voice that wasn’t my own said, “Don’t worry, you’re downloading a new program.”

And so, my light language was born.

As the months went on, I became increasingly sensitive to energies, and would constantly receive messages as a voice in my head—stories I’d never heard, thoughts of things I didn’t know. 

One day, my guides told me it was time to share my experiences with others. I began channeling messages and light language codes from the stars, sharing these with others online and in person.

Stories of miracles
began pouring in:

Now, after working with hundreds of people and seeing how their lives have changed, I’m ready to do more.