Light Language Activations

Online and in-person light language activations designed to supercharge your healing and expansion. 
All you have to do… is listen…

Join Dilyara for a live activation of energetic light codes and frequencies.

After each live activation, you’ll receive an audio recording of the session that you can listen to as many times as you like. Our bodies can’t receive the codes all at once, so it’s recommended to revisit the recordings as your body integrates more and more of the energy. 

Featured Activations

One Example

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut interdum malesuada nisi id tristique. Suspendisse sodales placerat arcu, at molestie ex iaculis at.

What Are Light Language Activations?

There are certain days when the energy on the planet is extra special. The light from the sun shines brighter, the winds of change blow stronger, and on these days, the people of Earth can tap into this cosmic energy and use it to elevate their ascension… if they know how.

During New and Full Moons, the energy showered upon the earth is heightened. There are also auspicious days of cosmic significance when portals open.

Messages are sent to Earth from star beings—gifts and blessings bestowed upon us in the form of information that penetrates our cells and activates our cellular memory. Depending on the frequency of the energy, we can receive lifelong transformational shifts that can change the course of our lives forever.

Through my Light Language Activations, I can transmute the powerful energy of the universe and transmit the activation codes to you. These light codes will help you:
Catch up on Dilyara’s previous light language activations. Listen anytime.

Light Language Library

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